Breaking Bio

In Episode 26 we talked with the awesome Siouxsie Wiles of the University of Auckland about bioluminesence and communicating science.  Seriously, I can't even describe how cool the squid are, and you'll never look at a mouse with TB the same way either!  (Well, if you had a way of looking at a mouse with TB to begin with, I suppose...)

Direct download: Breaking_Bio_Episode_26-iTunes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:21pm EDT

In Episode 25, we chat about all things gecko with Alyssa Stark (Ph.D. student at the University of Akron):  gecko-inspired tape, swimming geckos, gecko harnesses, pet geckos, crapping geckos ... the fun never stops.  Join us to find out why it's a bad idea to give your experimental animals names!

Direct download: Breaking_Bio_Episode_25-iTunes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:34pm EDT

In episode 24, we chat with Anthony Salvagno (@thescienceofant), newly minted Ph.D in physics, about his thesis research on the effects of heavy water on living things (come, see the giant E. coli!) and his open science approach. It's a great conversation, so have a listen!

Direct download: Breaking_Bio_Episode_24-iTunes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:56pm EDT